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Timber Framing Tools

Timber Frame Joint Tutorial

Whether you are new to timber framing or an experienced professional having the right tool for the job makes the work more enjoyable and accurate. Like other trades, timber framing comes with its distinct set of tools.  Some of the tools you may already have, but when you are staring at an 8x10, you may need something a bit bigger than what you are used too. Rest assured though that you do not need to go out and spend a lot to get the basics.  After you have learned what you need, you can  build your collection.

Where do you buy timber framing tools?

The tools are not all the hard to find, some you can find at a local hardware or big box store. For those you cannot buy locally you can always find them online or at antique stores, flea markets, and garage sales.

Below we have compiled a tools list that we recommend. We put them in order of priority to help you choose.

  • layout tools
  • Hand tools
  • power tools
  • safety tools
  • misc. tools

1. 7 ¼” Circular Saw - Read our in depth review HERE

2. 1/2" Heavy Duty Drill - Read our in depth review HERE

3. 10 ¼” Circular Saw - Read our in depth review HERE

4. Heavy Duty Router - Read our in depth review HERE

5. 3 ½” Power Planer

6. Chain Saw

7. Chain Mortiser - Read our in depth review HERE

8. 4”x24” Belt Sander - Read our in depth review HERE

9. 6 ¾” Makita Power Planer - Read our in depth review HERE

10. 12” Makita Power Planer - Read our in depth review HERE

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