Home » Raisings » Volles Brazilian Hardwood Half-Timbered House

Volles Brazilian Hardwood Half-Timbered House

Volles Brazilian Hardwood Half-Timbered House

Project Information

Company or Owner:

Casas Enxaimel




Diana Arend


 Max Volles

Project Location:

Sinimbu/RS - Brazil

Wood Species:

Brazilian Hardwood


Paulo Volles & team

Project Description:

Half-timbered house (Casa Enxaimel in Portuguese) built last week in Sinimbu, in southern Brazil, a place with a strong Germanic culture. The project took 1 year to get all the wood, 3 months to manufacture, just 4 days to assemble and 6 days to cover with ceramic tiles. The entire structure has 523 pieces all fitted together and like many we also don't use nails or screws. It is our job Nr 50.

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