Project Information
Project Location:
Mountain City, TN
Wood Species:
Project Description:
Sleep Shed 10x12. This project was my first timber frame and couldn't be happier with how it turned out. It is purely extra sleep quarters for visitors to our TN cabin site. Power in the "shed" is either solar or run from a battery pack. Total time to build (mostly alone weekends) was 6.5 months to dry in stage. I did use a Gin pole and some friends to assist in lifting the heavy top plates and rafters. All timbers were moved by hand approx. 50 feet up hill to the build site. We added a lean-to off the back for a dry sink and composting toilet. Will definitely be building more buildings in the future!
Project Images:
Amazing work Tom! Looking forward to picking your brain more on this project in the near future!
It looks great, doesn’t it