Home » Timber Frame Talk Radio » Episode 2 – What is a Timber Frame?

Episode 2 – What is a Timber Frame?

Today’s show is all about what is a timber frame , how much they cost and the process of getting one.  Our guests today will be Stephen Morrison with Moresun Woodworking, he gave me my first job as a timber framer in his what is a timber frameshop and he puts it all on the table in my first interview on the show.  We also answer a question that was emailed to the show about the size of timbers in a space and how it affects the feel of a home.

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Questions for the guest:

  • What exactly is a timber frame?
  • So what’s the difference between a timber frame and a post-and beam building? Any advantages or disadvantages among these two?
  • How much does a timber frame cost?  How does the price of a Post and Beam differ from tradition timber frame joinery?
  • Why is so hard to dial in the costs at the beginning of the project?
  • What do folks need to get a good price for a timber frame?
  • There is a lot of buzz around about hybrid timber frames… explain a little bit about what they are and some of the benefits of them?  Any disadvantages?
  • I just want to touch base with you on exactly how does someone starts the process of getting a timber frame?  When should folks get rolling on getting in touch with timber frame companies?
  • Any tips or tricks that you would like to share with everyone, something you normally don’t tell folks, and something everyone can use on their project right know?

A little about the guest:

Stephen Morrison grew up in Roswell, GA and gained his love for woodworking early on from an inspirational high school shop teacher.  He started his first job building reproduction furniture just days after graduation.   Stephen was introduced to timber framing when he was offered a job working with a team of Belgian draft horses and a portable sawmill.  They would take the logs directly from the forest, mill them into squared timbers, cut them using mortise & tenon joinery, fit them together & peg each joint for the final installation.  When it came time to start his own business, Stephen wanted to utilize his wide range of woodworking skills, so MoreSun offers almost any type of wood craft.  He lives with his wife and two little girls, just up the hill from the MoreSun shop in a self-built timber frame house.  Stephen is committed to providing his clients with honest price quotes and strives to ensure that each project is built right and will last for generations.


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2 thoughts on “Episode 2 – What is a Timber Frame?”

  1. Just discovered your website via Jim Rogers. Listening to the podcast Episode 2 now. I’ve met Stephen before too. He does some cool work. Brad, Joliet, IL

  2. Welcome Brad and thanks for joining us on the site . Stephen and his crew certainly do some great work and enjoyed having him on the show. Hope you enjoyed it, working on episode 3 today.
    Thanks for your comment,

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