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Maine West High School Eastern Pine Sports Shed

Maine West HS Eastern Pine Sports Shed

Project Information


Maine West High School

Geometry in Construction class Maine West HS



Timber Framer:

Paul Tomasiewicz & Karrie Kamai

Project Location:
Des Plaines, Illinois

Wood Species:

Eastern Pine

Project Description:
Maine West High School in Des Plaines, Illinois introduced a new class this year called Geometry in constructuction with an emphasis on applying geometry/math to real construction projects. The class had limited indoor space so we decided to go with a timber frame structure that would be used as a shed for the girls softball team. The timber frame structure is 12′ x 20′ x 16′, with a loft. It was built by the 16 students and two instructors in the class. The kids loved the project and was very proud of their accomplishment.

Project Images:

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4 thoughts on “Maine West High School Eastern Pine Sports Shed”

  1. Love to see this. Hoping the trend of incorporating timber framing at the high school level continues to grow.

  2. Wish my high school was into Timber Framing when I went to high school there in 1979. Wow how times have changed.

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