Common Rafter to Tie Beam to Plate Construction DetailRoof Joinery A timber frame detail is looking at joining a common rafter to tie the beam to the plate.
don q August 20, 2013 at 3:41 am I found this site very informative on timber framing, it was done in a way all can understand, well done!!!
Eric Artelle March 2, 2021 at 6:50 pm Hello, I am trying to find the name for the 1 1/2 birdsmouth type joint from the rafter to the tie beam. I find the Term birdsmouth lacking in this instance . I cannot find a term in my timber framing manuals. Thanks
Michael Watson May 11, 2021 at 10:50 pm Man, I’m seeing this as a principle rafter to tie beam to post detail….is that not right? Would that work?
I found this site very informative on timber framing, it was done in a
way all can understand,
well done!!!
Thanks a bunch Don!
Hello, I am trying to find the name for the 1 1/2 birdsmouth type joint from the rafter to the tie beam.
I find the Term birdsmouth lacking in this instance . I cannot find a term in my timber framing manuals.
Man, I’m seeing this as a principle rafter to tie beam to post detail….is that not right? Would that work?
That is what is it. Go for it.