If you are looking for a sturdy structure that will stand the test of time, this 24×36 barn home may be just what you have been searching for! Constructed from 8×8 posts, beams, rafters, and 6×8 joists, girts, and purlins, the sizable timbers give the structure enormous strength.
The first floor of this 24×36 barn home has 864 square feet, including an area of about 24×12 feet open to the second-floor ceiling. All that volume of space would make for an excellent, roomy-feeling great room. The second floor has 3-foot-high knee walls, which gives the upstairs rooms plenty of ceiling height. A thoughtfully-placed stairwell opening provides excellent circulation on the second floor. Both floors give you over 1500 square feet of living space.
The roof pitch is 10/12, giving this 24×36 barn home lots of stature. You could have a lovely window wall in the living area since that wall rises up over 11 feet to the eave purlin. That’s a lot of height to fill with natural light streaming in! The king post trusses on the gable end also mean there’s plenty of room for windows there.
We provide lots of information to help you make this project a success. The 12-page construction plan set shows how the frame is put together in detail. 3D axonometric drawings show the frame from several angles so you can understand how it all works. We give you an exploded view of the frame showing how the parts relate. Then there are the dimensioned plan, section, and elevation drawings. The piece drawing set contains 38 pages showing each cut on every timber, fully dimensioned and with 3D transparent drawings, which help you understand the cuts. Along with the drawing sets, we give you peg, fastener, and timber lists to make your budgeting and material procurement manageable.
You will receive a link to download the plan pdfs when you buy these plans. They are formatted to print on 11×17 paper. You can print them on letter-size paper for study purposes, but when it comes time to build the frame, we strongly recommend having the plans printed full size on 11×17.
Check out this plan in our shop HERE!
Important Information:
Purchaser agrees that the use of the plan is for the construction of one house or frame only*, and that the plan or any part of it will not be reproduced by any means without the written consent of the copyright owner.
Timber Frame HQ provides plans for construction purposes but does not oversee the construction. The plan purchaser is responsible for assuring the plan meets local codes and regulations. It is the responsibility of the plan purchaser to obtain any and all structural analysis, engineering and specifications that may be required in the municipality in which it is to be built. Plan purchaser is to verify all lot conditions and measurements before construction. Purchaser is responsible for additional expenses incurred in order to meet local code and engineering requirements.
Customer understands that the following conditions in your specific area may require additional engineering:
- Wind / hurricane / tornado
- Seismic / earthquake
- Heavy snow
- Flood potential
- Soil instability
- Timber Frame Engineering
Customer understands that HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical will not be included in all plans.
Purchaser agrees that the use of the plan is for the construction of one house or frame only*, and that the plan or any part of it will not be reproduced by any means without the written consent of the copyright owner.
Do you know about how much this would cost to build and finish?
Hi there. What kind of roofing materials this barn is engineered for: steel sheets, shinglas, ceramic tiles?
When you say “materials only” in response to costs, are you estimating the cost of the timbers only, or including an estimate for sheeting and insulation to get the structure enclosed?
That is for the timbers and fasteners only – no insulation or cladding
There is no one answer for this.The roof loads will vary depending on location, so ceramic tiles in the SC will be ok but not in the NE and it will depend greatly on the timbers used.
How much if made out of southern yellow pine..
Please go to our Kits page for more information
Is there a plan alteration for this that includes a conventional foundation?
Can I add 1 more section to the gable end to make this a 24x 48 foot print? Also would like to put this on a full basement.
You can easily increase the size of this by adding another bent. Putting this on a full basement will work great, just remember that you will have the points loads that may need to be reinforced more.
The joinery for the bents looks very sturdy as stated in the description but I (with a relatively untrained eye) cant identify the joinery strongly holding each bent to one another. Is the strength holding the bents to one another from the fasteners in the purlins? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of wood left on those posts after the bent joinery. Thank you.
Yes the fasteners in the purlins, the roof decking and the plate to post connection
I do not see the pricing for this 24×26 Barn Home Plan on the kits page (as suggested in an earlier response). Could you provide the kit pricing for the 24 x 36 with Eastern White pine timbers.
Also, it is hard to tell from the image put are the purlins secured to the rafters with traditional pins/pegs? They appear to not be pinned. Likewise, the purlins do not appear to be pinned where they enter the posts. Is this the case with these structural elements or is this an artifact of the image? Thanks,
The rafters and purlins are housed and screwed with TBS screws down from the top. As far as pricing goes you need to submit the kit form, it’s final price is going to be determined by species of wood and your location.
I already have a 24×50 slab. Can I have it changed for one end [Bay] to be 14 feet and locate a 10 foot wide door in the center? Would putting the door in the middle affect the structural integrity?
I meant to say,, for an additional 14 foot bay to be added to make a total of 50 feet, and with a 10 foot door in the middle of that same end.
Those alterations are possible- check out our custom design services to see how we can help you!
Wondering about the tallest vertical post. Would that require milling a 20 something foot long timber? Can you use two pieces? Wondering if my mill has what it takes.
The posts are 8″x8″x14′
How would you guys go about creating a 16-24” roof overhang on this barn? As in the roof coverage extends beyond the frame structure. I plan on building this or a similar 24×36 and would really like a wide overhang. Thanks
Most often folks use SIPs in that situation.
Sips as the roofing material? I didn’t think of that, great idea!
Must the structure be framed with oak? Can I substitute the timbers with white pine?
It’s a great solution; we have more info here
White pine is a good choice. We have some good info on wood species here
Carter, above, asked a question I am also wondering about. The tallest post, in the center, must be something like 22 feet. It goes from the ground floor up to the top of the roof. This is shown as one timber. Can this be broken in half, so that one would reach the second floor joists and the next would go from the ceiling/floor up to the roof? Thank you!
Hi Emily,
Those center posts are 22′ long – which is not difficult to acquire from a sawmill in most parts of the US/Canada.
In most timber frames you will see the posts run the entire height of the building (different from 2x framing which utilizes “platform framing”). This is in large part due to the strength in timber frames being concentrated in the posts. The entire weight of the building and outside forces falls on those posts. To break them up increases the joinery in the building and increases the chance for structural failure. However, it can be engineered with two pieces – visit our custom design page and submit the questionnaire and we can price an estimate for you.
Can these plans be assembled with metal post and beam fasteners or only timber frame joinery?
The plans are designed as a timber frame with traditional joinery. If you want our help tp convert it to post and beam, please fill out this questionnaire.