Advantages of Timber Frame Structures

Timber Frame Structures are:

  • Timber frame structures are more robust and more durable.
  • Timber Frames with SIP, or structural insulated panels as insulation, are more efficient than fiberglass and even stronger.
  • There are no load-bearing walls in timber frame structures, allowing changes to the floor plan with no structural consequences.timber frame structures
  • SIPs can have as many doors or windows as desired.
  • The working structure of the array can be seen, studied, and enjoyed.
  • Walls are straighter. Look down stick-built walls and compare them with timber frame walls.
  • With SIPs, structures often cost less than half as much to heat and cool as stick-built/fiberglass structures.
  • Noise insulation is remarkable.
  • There is no insulation settling and an increase in thermal transmission as occurs with fiberglass.
  • With SIPs, energy is much more efficient.
  • Airflow through a SIP was less than 10% of that through a stud-wall/fiberglass structure.
  • With SIPs, HVAC systems can be smaller, cost less, and still have higher SEER ratings (higher efficiency).
  • There is little temperature variation throughout the buildingno hot or cold spots.
  • Usually, less wood is used in timber frames than in stud-wall structures.
  • The use of sustainable materials, such as local wood, contributes to a lower carbon footprint and lower environmental costs.
  • A shallow carbon footprint is created when local woods are used.
  • The building process creates almost no waste.
  • Compare this with the dumpsters you see at stick-built sites. Less waste at the site means less pressure on waste treatment plants/landfills.
  • Timber waste can be recycled.
  • Craftsmanship is encouraged and enhanced by the owner’s and framer’s knowledge that the frame will be seen and admired by the inhabitants and visitors for centuries.

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5 thoughts on “Advantages of Timber Frame Structures”

  1. Great points. Timber frame houses have been around for centuries and for some reason now they have become famous again. People are in constant demand for house that are durable, comfortable and have a lot of open space. Timber frame houses have a long life as they are strong and robust and if they are properly maintained they can even last a lifetime.

  2. My brother wants to build a shed on his property, and he cant decide if wants to use a steel or wood frame. Your article had some great information about the benefits of a timber frame, and I especially like how you mention that they are great at insulating noise. Thanks for the great article, I’ll be sure to pass this helpful advice onto my brother to help him build his wood frame shed.

  3. I like that this article explains how timber frames provide little temperature variation throughout the whole building. I also like that you explain how timber frames don’t have load bearing walls, making it easier to change the floor plan without structural consequences. If you want them, you’d probably want to talk to your building contractor to discuss the look you want as well as any changes you might like to make in the future to determine which option is best. It could also help to discuss other features you’re interested in, such as being energy efficient, so they can help you choose the best material and ensure it’s installed properly so it gives you these benefits.

  4. Michaela Hemsley

    Thanks for detailing the advantages of timber frame structures. It’s good to know that they are strong and durable. I think that would make them a great choice for the home I am planning on having built soon.

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